Monday, June 2, 2008

Ahead of the Game

As you have no doubt figured out, my web projects will all be undergoing some sort of facelift over the next few months. This means I have to not only continue my daily and weekly columns, but shift stuff over, make new layouts, and try to figure out how to wrap the whole thing together.

Last week, I was out for a few days due to a road trip. This week, I'll be gone a few days due to a business trip. I'm testing (and taking) new equipment to work on this stuff, so hopefully I'll be in good order to further entertain my literally tens of readers even sooner.

16bit's updated, and so has my SW Q&A-- which is now at Galactic Hunter and my Star Wars News Blog, and it's likely going to be in both places for the foreseeable future.

I also had the good fortune to spend some time with Nintendo's Wii Fit, and I posted some rough impressions on today's update. It really is a unique piece of hardware with a piece of software that's essentially Wii Sports II with Yoga. It's not a bad thing, and these new input devices have lots of potential. I'm hoping to see someone say they figured out how to connect a Wii Balance Board to a Mac so I can use it to copy/paste things, or perhaps set it to certain keystrokes so I can increase my number of Zerg rushes.

Oh yes, and I also hit up Gregory's Toys in Encino. The store now has a massive sale going on, which they generally didn't do in the past. I started hitting them up for Playmobil, and while their prices are frequently more expensive than my favorite spot in Phoenix, that place closed down so I'm sort of out of luck. It's about on par with Playmobil direct, so I suppose I'll be checking them out in 2009 when the good stuff starts to hit. Today they had a new Pirates Super Set, some Specials, and the Water Zoo collection which FAO had many months ago.

I've got two days ahead of me before hitting up the airport for this trip, so odds are it's going to be slow posting for a few days. Which means, I'm sure, lots of exciting news will start to come out as soon as I turn my back.

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